
Human Talent Results was founded in 2009 by Sandra Terwolbeck. She regularly carries out assignments together with colleagues in her network. Wherever possible, she seeks collaboration with internal customer colleagues, gratefully making use of all available talents.

When it comes to guiding within organizations, Sandra brings a lot of experience, gained in many different industries and roles.  She couples this with a healthy dose of humor, perseverance and pragmatism, in connection with all players.

Human Talent Results is therefore a very appropriate denominator for Sandra's work. “Working on results with human talent! That is and remains the essence of what I stand for.”

That does not mean that Sandra feels 'senior' each and every day. “Rather, it means that I continue to challenge myself and continue to learn. This keeps me sharp and gives me energy, and sometimes it also requires saying goodbye to previous insights or methods that I used to feel comfortable with.”

“This works  the same way in organizations. What used to be a good solution to a problem or a very good approach yesterday, may suddenly no longer seem fitting. Rapid developments in the world around you require that you always keep moving. And above all, that you will never lose the courage to take new steps. In short, it takes courage!”

Human Talent Results uses the so-called systemic perspective in its work. Systemic practice is a way of thinking about and viewing the world which focuses on relationships and recognises that individuals are always embedded in their social context.  From this follows that  every change or movement in people and organizations has an effect on a larger, living and continuously moving whole that plays in the background. An organization as a system is naturally focused on continuity. In vital organizations, people and goals are connected. This allows people to experience that they matter and that their work is meaningful. There is clarity about roles and responsibilities and there is healthy mutual exchange and cooperation. If this is aligned, it will give energy and flow.  In general, people know it very well when things are not working. It’s more difficult to put your finger on where it comes from on a deeper level, instead of fighting the signals that manifest on the surface, on the visible plane. When not recognized correctly, these patterns can have a strong negative impact on the whole.

The Toyota management philosophy is a powerful source of inspiration for Human Talent Results. Sandra: ‘Job satisfaction and an integrated approach are pivotal here. Respect for people and their qualities are necessary basics. At the same time, organisations work at the pursuit of ambitious objectives. In Toyota Management, we see a strong emphasis on team collaboration and continuous improvement. Everyone in the organization knows how to contribute to the whole. Especially in our current times, such an approach is necessary to remain sustainably successful.

Employees all do have their individual talents. Still, this given fact certainly does not always lead to the desired results. There is often some 'hassle' going on in organizations. Sandra: “You may expect from me that I will always look for what is needed in your specific situation to ensure that employees are willing and able to use their talents in an effective manner. I'll make sure it starts flowing again.”

No lengthy reports. A clear and concise presentation where necessary and specific action  plans. Support and commitment are the central focus.

In an initial meeting we determine together what the core question is, what logical steps should be taken, and who or what will be needed. Human Talent Results will certainly reflect on those aspects, ask relevant questions, investigate what is 'going on' and perhaps bring in a completely different perspective. Based on our constructive conversation, we jointly shall determine the logical next steps.

Human Talent Results is registered at the KvK Midden-Nederland, 30250622.
pdfConditions Human Talent Results (in Dutch)

Human Talent Results; Working towards results with human talent!